Your hope found... in the living Word, Jesus Christ.

Join us for worship at 11 AM & 6 PM on Sundays in person

or on our YouTube channel or Facebook page at 11 AM on Sundays!

The links below are for the live-streamed worship services.

Morning worship 12.31.2023 Jesus: Son of God (Part 1: Jesus is God), John 1:1-18, Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 12.24.2023 Jesus, the Holy One of God (John 6:60-71), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 12.17.2023 Jesus, Son of David (Matthew 21:12-17), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 12.10.2023 Jesus, Son of the Most High God (Luke 8:26-39), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 12.03.2023 A Son, Jesus (Matthew 1:18-25), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 11.26.2023 My Peace I Give You (John 14:15-31), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 11.19.2023 Remember the LORD Your God (Deuteronomy 8), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 11.12.2023 What Will We Be? (1 John 2:28 – 3:3), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 11.05.2023 The Great Multitude Glorifies God (Revelation 7:1-17), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 10.29.2023 Final Judgment (Matthew 25:31-46), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 10.22.2023 Use Your God-Given Resources as You Wait, (Matthew 25:14-30), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 10.15.2023 Get Ready! (Matthew 25:1-13), Rev Gordon Cook

Morning worship 10.08.2023 Be Prepared (Matthew 24:36-51), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 10.01.2023 Jesus’ Words Never Fail (Matthew 24:32-44), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 09.24.2023 The Coming of the Son of Man (Matthew 24:25-31), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 09.17.2023 Washing Feet (John 13:1-20), Rev. John Kramer

Morning worship 09.10.2023 Signs of the Times (Matthew 24:15-31), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 09.03.2023 Persevere and Proclaim Christ! (Matthew 24:3-14), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 08.27.2023 The Beginning of the Birth Pains (Matthew 24:1-31), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 08.20.2023 Contemplating the Cross (John 12:20 – 12:36), Rev. John Kramer

Morning worship 08.13.2023 We Wish to See Jesus (John 11:55 – 12:26), Rev. John Kramer

Morning worship 08.06.2023 “Until You Say” (Matthew 23:37 - 24:2), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 07.30.2023 Awake and Live Properly in Christ (Romans 13:8-14), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 07.23.2023 Love, the Fulfillment of God’s Law (Romans 13:8-14), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 07.16.2023 Church and State (Romans 13:1-7), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 07.09.2023 No Revenge (Romans 12:9-21), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 07.02.2023 Solidarity in Feelings and Thoughts (Romans 12:9-21), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 06.25.2023 Blessing Those Who Are Persecuting (Romans 12:9-21), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 06.18.2023 Sharing with Those in Need (Romans 12:9-21), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 06.11.2023 Personal Tribulation (Romans 12:9-21), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 06.04.2023 Respectful and Enthusiastic Serving the Lord (Romans 12:9-21), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 05.28.2023 Wisdom from the Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:1-16), Rev. John Kramer

Morning worship 05.21.2023 Christ, the Wisdom and Power of God (1 Corinthians 1:1-31), Rev. John Kramer

Morning worship 05.14.2023 Love One Another (Romans 12:9-21), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 05.07.2023 One Gifted Church (Romans 12:1-8), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 04.30.2023 Humility (Romans 12:1-8), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 04.23.2023 A Living Sacrifice (Romans 12:1-21), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 04.16.2023 A Great Commission (Matthew 28:11-20), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 04.09.2023 He Is Risen! (Matthew 28:1-10), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 04.02.2023 Crucified! (Matthew 27:27-54), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 03.26.2023 Condemned (Matthew 27:1-2, 11-31), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 03.19.2023 Denied (Matthew 26:30-35, 69-75), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 03.12.2023 Guilty without Charge (Matthew 26:57-68), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 03.05.2023 Gethsemane: Distress and Betrayal (Matthew 26:30-56), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 02.26.2023 Mission: Doers, not Hearers Only (James 1:19-27), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 02.19.2023 Mission: Benevolence (Galatians 6:1-10), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 02.12.2023: Mission: Sharing in Worldwide Outreach (Philippians 4:10-20), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 02.05.2023: Mission: An Evangelistic Lifestyle (1 Thessalonians 1:1-10), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 01.29.2023: Mission: Fellowship (1 John 1:1-2:2), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 01.22.2023: Mission: Godly Worship (John 4:1-26), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 01.15.2023: Mission: Nurturing One Another (Ephesians 4:1-16), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 01.08.2023: Mission: The Whole Counsel of God (Acts 20:17-38), Rev. Gordon Cook

Morning worship 01.01.2023: Mission: To Glorify God (1 Peter 4:7-11), Rev. Gordon Cook

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to His great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”
— 1 Peter, chapter 1, verse 3